A couple of weeks back I posted an article that drew a connection between the recent Donald Stirling incident and the AFL All-Star boycott in 1965.  I still think that the comparison is a stretch, but anytime that the ’65 All-Stars can be recognized for their bravery is fine by me.

An article posted yesterday on The Mile High Report discusses current levels of perceived racism in professional sports, and talks a bit more about the New Orleans situation.  I used to be indifferent to the Redskins situation, and thought it was being blown out of proportion.  But then a friend’s simple question made me reverse my thinking.  “Would you walk up to a Native American and say, “Hi Redskin!”?”  Of course I would not.  Then why should the Washington football team continue to use the name?  History is a reason, I guess.  But just because we’ve done something one way forever doesn’t necessarily make it right.

Like the author, I’m not a big Richard Sherman fan.  I’m not a fan of trash-talk in general, so his antics wear thin with me.  However, he is not afraid to say things that often get pushed under the rug, and for that he should be appreciated.  Now if Sherman had shown an understanding of history by mentioning the 1965 All-Stars, then I would have begun to like him a bit more.  🙂