#122 – Joe Namath
I’ve been posting to this blog for more than five years. At some points I have been more dedicated than others, but I always enjoy the opportunity to write a short piece and get it into the hands of AFL fans across the country.
One thing that people may not realize is that my trading card collection was actually the reason that I began this blog and website. Back in 1998, I got my first autographed AFL trading card and somehow a switch was flipped in my mind. From that point forward the majority of my collecting attention was focused on trading cards autographed by AFL players. After building my collection for a while I wanted to share it with others who would also enjoy the cards and so I started this site. I am now at a point where I very rarely find a card I don’t already have. Still, opportunities come about on occasion and when they do I am more than happy to acquire a signed 1961 Golden Tulip Potato Chips Paul Maguire card, a 1964 Topps Chiefs team card signed by Norma Hunt or a 1965 Topps card inscribed by Willie Brown with a note about the 1965 All-Star Boycott.
While my pickup truck is typically less than spotless, I can say in all honesty that my card collection is extremely organized. Not only is every card placed appropriately in a box or binder, but every card has also been scanned and documented in a spreadsheet. Thankfully I began this process early on and have been diligent about keeping it up the entire time. I’ve never had to can more than a couple of hundred cards at any one time.
According to the analytics for this site, not many people visit the pages on the menu bar near the top of the screen. It’s unfortunate because there is some really neat stuff available for everyone to enjoy. Also, if you click on the MEMORABILIA button, you will be able to view about 95% of my signed card collection. It’s a real stroll down memory lane, especially if you were once a kid chasing your favorite AFL players with a pen and handful of bubble gum cards. Give the page a look. I think you will enjoy it. I know that I do, every time I look at my cards.